Whether you just picked up a new vehicle from Johnson Bros. Ford or you are driving something that is a couple years old, it’s a good idea to change your driving habits to help save money on gas. These tips will help save gas whether you are driving something that gets excellent gas mileage or you drive something that gets in the teens and low 20s for gas mileage.
When you need to brake, brake sooner rather than later. If a light is going to change, you may not have to come to a complete stop. Accelerating from any speed saves gas over accelerating from a complete stop. The same theory applies when you are in traffic. If you are far enough behind traffic and start slowing down, you may not have to come to a complete stop, depending on how slow traffic is moving.
Keeping Your Distance
If you keep your distance behind people, you’ll brake less. On the highway, keep a steady speed as much as possible. Use the cruise control where you can to maintain a steady speed. If traffic slows and it’s possible to get into another lane that is moving at least the same speed you are, switch lanes. You can move back into your original lane once you pass the slow-moving vehicles.
Use Store Cards
Some stores offer a few cents off per gallon if you use the store’s card. There is one catch to this: Interest. However, if you pay off your gas purchases each month, you won’t get charged interest on those purchases and you’ll be able to realize the savings by using the store card. If you pay your store card balance online, simply pay the amount you pumped on the same day.
Visit Johnson Bros. Ford
Stop by Johnson Bros. Ford today to test drive a new vehicle. And, now that you have a few tips for saving gas, look at vehicles for their safety and convenience features instead of which ones get the best gas mileage.